Sunday January 31 World Day against leprosy

Neglected tropical diseases are called diseases of povertyWith a twinkle in his eye and a great enthusiasm for the work performed, Bernardo Garcia, director of Anesvad in this interview the tour of the Bilbao and international NGOs working for the universal right to health. Anesvad strives to make health reaches all people anywhere in the world and focuses on the fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Garcia said that NTDs affect more than 1,000 million people and many companies are not interested in advancing their diagnosis, prevention, treatment and their eventual elimination. Among the 17 ETD are leprosy, Buruli ulcer and yaws, which Anesvad involved in more than 19 countries. However, the new strategy of the organization is to focus on sub-Saharan Africa (Ghana, Togo, Ivory Coast and Benin), the world region most in need, most vulnerable and least prioritized in some cases, said Bernardo Garcia

Sunday January 31 World Day against leprosy

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