What if God were to come to you right now and ask you to pick up your mantle and lead His people? Would you reply, why you or would you think why not you? What if He called you to leave your family, your comfort zone or place of security, to instead stand in faith and trust Him even in the light of uncertainty. Would you accept the calling on your life without hesitation or fear, stepping up to the plate confidently, or would you be like Moses seeking a way out. Moses had every excuse in the book as to why he should have been disqualified or removed from consideration, because he wanted no part of the responsibility that God had placed in his lap. On the one hand, Moses had to have been in shock and in awe because he was speaking to God himself, but on the other hand, there had to have been fear for the same reason. God said, “Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10). But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11)
Why YouWhy Not You
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